I got another game in this morning. I got Scenario Card F, "Platoon Attack," and I decided the job would be to go eliminate a mobile AA gun that turned out to be pretty heavily defended. I had an automatic preparatory barrage from the regiment's 75mm pack howitzers, a 60mm mortar, and an Engineer NCO attached. My pregame deal was "Take the Initiative," which gave all my leaders a +1 for the duration of the game.
Following the post game, two members of the platoon were noticed: the Plt Sgt made a name for himself with the Battalion commander for leading the platoon to the staging area, getting them through a fight to get there, and lead an old-fashioned bayonet charge to break the back of the German resistance. Meanwhile, the Lt got in the Company commander's doghouse. It wasn't really his fault; during the drop he landed on the roof of a local cathouse teeming with German soldiers, and thus missed the link-up with his platoon. He caught up with them at the Bn staging area, but got a good butt-chewing from the CO...
The table, US baseline at bottom, German at top. We've got a crossroads with a couple bombed-out buildings (the fly-fly boys were trying to take out the SP AA, but missed, which is why the Platoon is up to bat) on the left with fields and rolling hills to the right. At top center you can see the truck mounted 37mm AA gun.
The objective: put the gun out of action.
The platoon. HQ element of Lt, Plt Sgt, Bazooka, two-man 60mm mortar, and Engineer NCO. 1st and 3rd Squads are down one man each, while 2nd is down two. I know you guys probably think I was cheating on the casualty rolls to get such evenly spread casualties, but I swear that's just how it worked out.
US deployment on left, with 1st Squad's rifle team (1A) and Squad Leader (SL) at left, PC, RTO, and bazooka in center, and 1st Squad's BAR team (1B) with Assistant Squad Leader (A/SL) at bottom right.
US center, with 2A on left and 2B on right. At top left, behind the wall just below the fountain is a German LMG team (1st Fire Group, or 1FG), with their Plt Sgt. At top center, atop the hill, is 2FG with their PC, and at top right is a MG-42 HMG team.
US right, with 3B on left, Plt Sgt and Engineer at top center, 60mm mortar at bottom center, and 3A at far right. Across from 3rd Squad is the MG-42 HMG and a Rifle Group (RG), with the PC and 2FG just visible at top left.
German right (from US baseline), with 1FG and Plt Sgt. Top right shows the SP AA and a two-man 50mm mortar.
German center, with 2FG and PC in middle with 50mm mortar and SP AA behind them.
German left, with HMG on left and RG on right. Please note the two Type A (white) and 1 Type C (black) blinds left over as they are out of sight of the US troops. This would cause an interesting situation later in the game.
So, the fight starts with the prep barrage laying into the German 1FG/Plt Sgt on the left (I put it there because there were three German blinds, but two turned out to be dummies), getting two kills. Then 3B (on the right) opened up on the German HMG to no effect, at which point they returned fire, dropping two men. The 60mm mortar dropped some rounds on the HMG and got a kill (their NCO), while the German RG got another kill on 3B. 2FG then fired on 1B, but only managed one shock. The German Plt Sgt and 1FG sprinted right, intent on getting into the two-story building, while the German mortar fired, to no effect.
Meanwhile, 1st Squad and the PC/RTO/bazooka moved up to the wall.
Second Squad moved up into the treeline in the center.
3A fired at the HMG, getting a kill, while the lone survivor of 3B joined 3A (counting as the loss of a team, costing 3 FM points!).
A new turn saw 2B open up on the HMG and get another kill, while the German 2FG laid into 2A, killing 3 of the 4 men, leaving only the squad leader (-1 FM, quickly down to 6 total). German RG fired at 3A, getting only 1 shock (the Germans were rolling a lot of hits but terrible for effect). The 60mm jumped on them, causing two kills. The German HMG fired on 2B, getting a kill and a shock.
The Plt Sgt, who's known to be a bit reckless, then leads 3rd Squad out into the field, where it fires on the run, two kills and two shock on the German RG. The German HMG and RG on the hill have been reduced to one man each.
The German Plt Sgt and 1FG move upstairs, while the Lt directs Cpl Carlyle to put a rocket into the second story, killing the German Plt Sgt and one other man (leaving only the NCO and the gunner). 1A dashes through the gap in the wall and takes shelter behind the wall nearest the building, while 1B hops the wall and sprints right.
Next I roll up an in-game event, which turned out to be friendly reinforcements, so I brought the .30 cal. MMG on the table in the center.
The turn ends with the German mortar getting a kill on 1B...
1B and the MMG fire on 2FG, getting 3 kills and 4 shock; the German PC frantically pulls shock off the one survivor (the LMG gunner), and the gunner fires at 2nd Squad, managing only a shock. They return fire, killing the gunner and leaving the PC all alone on the hill (German PC is at top left, alone, while 2nd Squad is at far right and 1B is bottom center-left).
1FG fires on 1A crouched behind the wall below, but it's ineffective as they've lost so many men and the team is pinned. 1A hops the wall and moves into close combat with 1FG, killing the gunner. The NCO promptly surrenders.
Now I find myself in a strange predicament. The Germans have lost 2 NCOs and two teams, which cost them enough Force Morale points to break them. BUT, they still have three blinds on the table that have yet to be revealed. What to do???? So, here's what I decided on the fly.
The Germans on the table surrendered, resulting in 10 POWs (PC, 1FG NCO, mortar crew, 4-man SP AA crew, 1 survivor from HMG, and 1 survivor from RG). As the Americans are policing up the area and consolidating, a German counterattack force arrives! I rolled up for all three blinds, and came up with a PzIII (long 50mm), another MG-42 HMG, and a dummy. But I didn't think the group should be without 'regular' infantry, so I turned the 'dummy' into a RG.
The table, from the US baseline. Top left is 1A, then the PC/RTO/Bazooka, and 1B. The MMG is just off camera at bottom left, while 2nd Squad, the Plt Sgt/Engineer, 3rd Squad, and the 60mm mortar are at bottom right. The German Panzer is top right, the HMG in treeline at right, and the RG next to the bushes in the center.
Another look, from behind 1st Squad, with 2nd and 3rd at center top and MMG at bottom right. Germans are top left.
This went pretty quick as the Germans were in a bad spot: PC/RTO/Bazooka, 1A, 1B, and 2nd Squad all moved forward to get in better position while the Panzer plowed ahead into the field. the mortar, Plt Sgt, and 3rd Squad laid into the German HMG, getting three shock and three kills, leaving only the gunner, who fired to no effect. The German RG did manage to get two kills on 3rd Squad.
The next (and last) turn saw the German RG get 4 hits on 3rd Squad, which really had me feeling bitter, but then then the hits only amounted to 4 shock (ZERO kills!). Good ol' Corporal Carlyle licked his thumb and stroked the front sight post on this bazooka, then confidently slammed a rocket into the engine compartment of the Panzer. The crew promptly bailed, which was enough to get the RG and one survivor of the HMG team to throw their hands up (10 more prisoners).
So, the Krauts suffered:
20 POW
1 captured SP AA
1 disabled Panzer Mk III
Our casualties were heavy as well:
1st Squad Rifleman (kneel SMG) - PFC Baker, Walking Wounded
2nd Squad Rifleman (kneel Mohawk) - PFC Juliet, WIA, evacuated home
2nd Squad Rifleman (crouch carbine) - Pvt King, WIA, evacuated home
2nd Squad Rifleman (port Ardennes) - Pvt Mike, KIA
2nd Squad Rifleman (shoot Garand) - Pvt Papa, KIA
2nd Squad Rifleman (rush Garand) - Pvt Oscar, Walking Wounded
3rd Squad Rifleman (stand SMG) - Pvt Sierra, Walking Wounded
3rd Squad Assistant Squad Leader (SMG) - Cpl Pace, WIA, local evacauation (3 days)
3rd Squad Automatic Rifleman (BAR) PFC Victor - WIA, evacuated home
3rd Squad Rifleman (rush Garand) Pvt Whiskey - Walking Wounded
3rd Squad Rifleman (crouch carbine) Pvt Xavier - Walking Wounded
Cpl Carlyle again performed admirably (knocking out the tank with a flank shot), but I don't think it was enough for anything more than being 'mentioned in dispatches.'
So 1st Squad is only down 1 man (though half the rest are walking wounded), but 2nd Squad is down to only four men and 3rd Squad is down to six men. So, my platoon of 35 men has been reduced to 24 men, though one will return in a few days. We need to see about some replacements...
If I get replacements I will look to make another attack on German positions. If not, I believe the platoon will move into blocking positions and switch over to the defensive, and await the Herman Goering Division's counterattacks, as occurred in real life.
This is my blog dedicated to wargaming various aspects of the Second World War in Europe, on land and in the air, in various scales.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Operation Husky Platoon Roster
Sorry guys, this one is just for me to try to keep it straight (you're welcome to look).
1st Platoon, Dog Company, 1st Battalion, 499th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division
Operation Husky Roster
HQ Element: Personality Motivation Temp Backgr Level
Platoon Commander - 2Lt Jack Shepherd Conformist Family Even Average III
*Submitted for Bronze Star (3); Submitted for Bronze Star (5); shot in arm, Purple Heart (7);
Platoon Sergeant - SSgt Sawyer Ford Fanatic Hedonism Reckless III
*Submitted for Silver Star (1); meritoriously promoted to E-7 by Bn CO (2/3); Submitted for Bronze Star (3); Submitted for Silver Star (5); reduced to SSgt by Bn CO (6/7);
Radio/Telephone Operator - Sgt Gamble
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Bazooka Gunner - Cpl Ignacio
*Repl (2/3); Shot in thigh, Purple Heart (3); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); Submitted for Bronze Star (8); became gunner (8/9); promoted by the PC to Cpl (9/10);
Bazooka Assistant (stand Garand) - PFC Fitzgerald
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
1st Squad, Rifle Team:
Squad Leader - Sgt Bettis I
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (kneel SMG) - Cpl Lake
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (stand carbine) - Pvt Calhoun
*Repl (6/7); WIA, locally evacuated, return 26 July 43, Purple Heart (7);
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Swenson
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (rush Garand) - Pvt Chisholm
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
1st Squad, BAR Team:
Assistant Squad Leader - Cpl John Locke II
*became a Tier II leader.
Automatic Rifleman - Cpl Fox
*Promoted to Corporal by PC (9/10);
Rifleman (crouch carbine) - Pvt Grant
*Repl (6/7);
Rifleman (fire Garand) - Pvt Hughes
*Repl (6/7);
Rifleman (kneel Garand) - Pvt Ivers
*Repl (6/7);
2nd Squad, Rifle Team:
Squad Leader - Cpl Keepers I
*Transfer from 3rd Bn (6/7); made 2nd Squad SL (9/10);
Rifleman (kneel Mohawk) - PFC Alston
*Repl (2/3); Shot in calf, Purple Heart (5); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); Submitted for Bronze Star (9);
Automatic Rifleman - PFC India
*Shot in calf, Purple Heart (2); Transferred from 1st Squad (4/5); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); shot in thigh, Purple Heart (7);
Rifleman (crouching carbine) - Pvt Edge
*Repl (6/7); shot in jaw, Purple Heart (7); transferred from 1st Squad (7/8);
Rifleman (port Garand) - PFC Danson
*Repl (2/3); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7);
2nd Squad, BAR Team:
Assistant Squad Leader - Cpl Everson
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Squad Machine Gun (gunner) - PFC Cahill
*Repl (2/3); shot in torso, locally evacuated and treated, return 16 July 43, Purple Heart (3); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7);
Squad Machine Gun (asst gunner) - Pvt Jackson
*Repl (6/7): shot in hand, Purple Heart (7);
Rifleman (fire Garand) - Pvt Longwood
*Repl (6/7)
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Girardo
*Repl (2/3); Ran in the face of the enemy (4); Shot in face, Purple Heart (5); shot in thigh, locally evacuated and treated, return 20 July 43, Purple Heart (6); Transferred from 3rd Squad (7/8);
3rd Squad, Rifle Team:
Squad Leader - Sgt Glenn Conformist Religion Bold II
*Repl from E Co, 2nd Bn (3/4); Ran in the face of the enemy (4); Transferred from 2nd Squad to 3rd Squad (4/5); Submitted for Distinguished Service Cross (5); shot in neck, Purple Heart (6); shot in arm, Purple Heart (8);
Rifleman (stand Mohawk) - PFC Ertz (3rd Squad) *Repl (3/4); Transferred from 1st Squad (5/6); shot in groin, locally evacuated and treated, return 18 July 43, Purple Heart (6); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); shot in calf, locally evacuated and treated, return 26 July 43, Purple Heart (8);
Rifleman (stand SMG) - Pvt Xavier
*shot in foot, walking wounded, Purple Heart (2); Ran in the face of the enemy (4); Transferred from 3rd Squad (4/5); Transferred back to 3rd Squad (5/6);
Rifleman (stand carbine) - Pvt Anders
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Johnson (2nd Squad) *Repl (3/4); Shot in thigh, Purple Heart (5); WIA, locally evacuated, return 26 July 43, Purple Heart (7); transferred from 2nd Squad (9/10);
3rd Squad, BAR Team:
Assistant Squad Leader - Cpl Charley Pace I
*Shot in torso, locally evacuated and treated, return 24 July 43, Purple Heart (2); shot in calf, locally evacuated, return 24 July 43, Purple Heart (7);
Automatic Rifleman - Cpl Timmons
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (rush Garand) - PFC Leshore
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (crouch carbine) - Pvt O'Rourke
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Kleen
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Weapons Platoon Support:
Medium Machine Gun Team:
Gunner - PFC Clue *Shot in hip, Purple Heart (5); (6); (7); shot in shoulder, Purple Heart (8);
A-Gunner - Pvt Dederick
Ammo Carrier - Pvt House
Ammo Carrier - Pvt Molsby
60mm Mortar Team:
Gunner - Cpl Richard Alpert *(2); (3);
A-Gunner - Pvt Black *(2); (3);
Ammo Carrier - Pvt Delby *(3)
Ammo Carrier - Pvt Stadler *Repl (3/4);
Combat Engineer NCO:
NCO - Sgt Cade Austen *(2)
Engineer (rush Garand) - Pvt Teague
Engineer (flamethrower) - Pvt Overbay
Engineer (bangalore) - Pvt Kuhalski
Engineer (pole charge) - Pvt Bliss
Regimental Support:
57mm Anti-Tank Gun (single, section, platoon)
NCO - Sgt "Penny" Widmore *(4); Shot in head, Purple Heart (5);
Gunner - Pvt Peel *Repl (6/7);
Gunner - Pvt Pippen *(4); Shot in groin, Purple Heart (5);
Gunner - Pvt Vinson *(4); Shot in arm, Purple Heart (5);
Divisional Support
M4 Sherman (single, section, platoon)
Tank Commander - SSgt Leclaire Littleton
M3 Stuart (single, section, platoon)
Tank Commander - SSgt Sonny Moon (7);
Pvt Able (HQ Element) *KIA (1)
Cpl Daniel Farraday (HQ Element) *KIA (3); Submitted for posthumous Bronze Star (3)
Pvt Durango (HQ Element) *Repl (2/3); KIA (3)
Pvt Alcee (HQ Element) *Repl (3/4); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (7)
Sgt Boone Carlyle (HQ Element) I *Submitted for Bronze Star (1); Submitted for Bronze Star (3); Promoted to Sgt by Comp Cmdr (3/4); Submitted for Distinguished Service Cross (5); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (8);
Pvt Delta (1st Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (1)
Pvt George (1st Squad) *KIA (5)
Pvt Hotel (1st Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (5)
Pvt Charleston (1st Squad) *Shot in neck, Purple Heart (1); KIA (6)
Pvt Echo (1st Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (6)
Sgt Desmond Hume (1st Squad SL) *Shot in foot, Purple Heart (1); Shot in bicep, Purple Heart (4); 1st Sgt of Wpns Co has a positive view (4/5); KIA (7)
Cpl Baker (1st Squad) *Shot in forearm, Purple Heart (1); Promoted to Cpl by Lt (6/7); KIA (7)
Pvt Dodge (1st Squad) *Repl (6/7); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (7)
Pvt Lima (2nd Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (1)
Pvt Quebec (2rd Squad) *KIA (1)
PFC Juliet (2nd Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (2)
Pvt King (2nd Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (2)
Pvt Mike (2nd Squad) *KIA (2)
Pvt Papa (2nd Squad) *KIA (2)
Cpl Sam Jarrah (2nd Squad A/SL) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (3)
Pvt Oscar (2nd Squad) *shot in shoulder, walking wounded, Purple Heart (1); shot in hand, walking wounded, Purple Heart (2); shot in chest, evacuated, Purple Heart (3)
Pvt Edson (2nd Squad) *Repl (2/3); KIA (3)
Pvt Fenner (2nd Squad) *Repl (2/3); KIA (3)
Pvt Beetle (2nd Squad) *Repl (2/3); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (5)
Cpl Nancy (2nd Squad) *Meritoriously promoted to Cpl by PC (3/4); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (5)
Pvt Hubler (2nd Squad) *Repl (3/4); KIA (5)
PFC Whiskey (2nd Squad) *shot in hand, walking wounded, Purple Heart (2); Meritoriously promoted to E-3 by Plt Cmdr, named Acting A/SL; Ran in the face of the enemy (4); Transferred from 3rd Squad (4/5); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (5)
PFC Farr (2nd Squad) *Repl (3/4); Shot in shoulder, Purple Heart (4); Shot in foot, Purple Heart (5); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (7);
Sgt Hurley Reyes (2nd Squad) *Negative Morale Event (casualties) (2/3); Shot in head, Purple Heart (3); Submitted for Bronze Star (5); Positive Morale Event (personal and unit performance, friendship with Sgt Hume) (6/7); Negative Morale Event, downgraded to Level I leader (death of Hume) (7/8); KIA (9)
Pvt Zander (3rd Squad) *KIA (1)
PFC Victor (3rd Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (2)
Sgt Michael Dawson (3rd Squad SL) *WIA, evacuated (3)
SSgt Miles (3rd Squad SL) *Repl from Supply Bn (3/4); WIA, Purple Heart (4)
PFC Romeo (3rd Squad) *KIA (4)
Pvt Sierra (3rd Squad) *shot in thigh, walking wounded, Purple Heart (2); KIA (5)
Pvt Tango (3rd Squad) *Submitted for Bronze Star (4); Shot in shoulder, Purple Heart (5); KIA (6)
Pvt Mickelson (3rd Squad) *Repl (6/7); WIA, evacuated (7);
Pvt Oliver (3rd Squad) *Repl (6/7); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (7);
PFC Herby (3rd Squad) *Repl (2/3); shot in groin, locally evacuated and treated, return 14 July 43, Purple Heart (3); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); KIA (7)
Pvt Noonan (3rd Squad) *Repl (6/7); shot in neck, Purple Heart (7); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (8);
PFC Uniform (3rd Squad) *Submitted for Bronze Star (4): shot in jaw, Purple Heart (6); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); KIA (9)
Pvt Effel (Wpns Plt/Mortars) *KIA (3)
Pvt Ackerman (Wpns Plt/ATG) *(4); KIA (5)
Pvt Bautista (Wpns Plt/MMG) *(5); KIA (6)
Pvt Apple (Wpns Plt/MMG) *(2); (3); (5); (6); WIA, evacuated, (7);
Pvt Ronson (Wpns Plt/MMG) *Repl (6/7); KIA (7)
Sgt Frank Lapidus (Wpns Plt/MMG) *(2); (3); (5); (6); shot in shoulder, Purple Heart (7); KIA (8)
Non-Player Characters:
Battalion Commander - Colonel Charles Whitmore
*Favorable opinion of SSgt Ford (Plt Sgt, based off of actions in 1); Neutral opinion of Ford (6/7);
Company Commander - Captain Ben Linus
*Unfavorable opinion of 2Lt Shepherd (for missing 1); Coming around on 2Lt Shepherd (3); Favorable opinion of Shepherd (6/7); Unfavorable opinion of Ford (6/7);
Weapons Company 1st Sgt *Favorable opinion of Sgt Hume (4);
Battalion Adjutant (S-1) *Favorable opinion of 2Lt Shepherd (4);
Enemy Casualties:
(1) 11 WIA/KIA, 7 POW, 1 captured Pak-40 ATG, 1 disabled Sdkfz 251 halftrack
(2) 21 WIA/KIA, 20 POW, 1 captured SP AA, 1 disabled Panzer Mk III
(3) 20 WIA/KIA, 3 POW, 1 disabled Sdkfz 222 armored car, 1 destroyed Panzer Mk III, 2 captured 80mm mortar tubes captured
(4) 19 WIA/KIA, 5 POW, 2 Tiger I tanks damaged (later destroyed with thermite grenades)
(5) 53 WIA/KIA, 1 Sdkfz 222 armored car damaged, 5 Panzer Mk III tanks damaged/destroyed
(6) 10 WIA/KIA, 9 POW
(7) 40 WIA/KIA, 7 POW, 1 Pz MkIII destroyed, 2 Sdkfz 222s destroyed, 1 Sdkfz 251/9 destroyed, 1 Sdkfz 251/1 destroyed
(8) 6 WIA/KIA, 8 POW
(9) 14 WIA/KIA, 5 POW, 2 80mm mortar tubes captured
1st Platoon, Dog Company, 1st Battalion, 499th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division
Operation Husky Roster
HQ Element: Personality Motivation Temp Backgr Level
Platoon Commander - 2Lt Jack Shepherd Conformist Family Even Average III
*Submitted for Bronze Star (3); Submitted for Bronze Star (5); shot in arm, Purple Heart (7);
Platoon Sergeant - SSgt Sawyer Ford Fanatic Hedonism Reckless III
*Submitted for Silver Star (1); meritoriously promoted to E-7 by Bn CO (2/3); Submitted for Bronze Star (3); Submitted for Silver Star (5); reduced to SSgt by Bn CO (6/7);
Radio/Telephone Operator - Sgt Gamble
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Bazooka Gunner - Cpl Ignacio
*Repl (2/3); Shot in thigh, Purple Heart (3); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); Submitted for Bronze Star (8); became gunner (8/9); promoted by the PC to Cpl (9/10);
Bazooka Assistant (stand Garand) - PFC Fitzgerald
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
1st Squad, Rifle Team:
Squad Leader - Sgt Bettis I
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (kneel SMG) - Cpl Lake
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (stand carbine) - Pvt Calhoun
*Repl (6/7); WIA, locally evacuated, return 26 July 43, Purple Heart (7);
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Swenson
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (rush Garand) - Pvt Chisholm
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
1st Squad, BAR Team:
Assistant Squad Leader - Cpl John Locke II
*became a Tier II leader.
Automatic Rifleman - Cpl Fox
*Promoted to Corporal by PC (9/10);
Rifleman (crouch carbine) - Pvt Grant
*Repl (6/7);
Rifleman (fire Garand) - Pvt Hughes
*Repl (6/7);
Rifleman (kneel Garand) - Pvt Ivers
*Repl (6/7);
2nd Squad, Rifle Team:
Squad Leader - Cpl Keepers I
*Transfer from 3rd Bn (6/7); made 2nd Squad SL (9/10);
Rifleman (kneel Mohawk) - PFC Alston
*Repl (2/3); Shot in calf, Purple Heart (5); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); Submitted for Bronze Star (9);
Automatic Rifleman - PFC India
*Shot in calf, Purple Heart (2); Transferred from 1st Squad (4/5); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); shot in thigh, Purple Heart (7);
Rifleman (crouching carbine) - Pvt Edge
*Repl (6/7); shot in jaw, Purple Heart (7); transferred from 1st Squad (7/8);
Rifleman (port Garand) - PFC Danson
*Repl (2/3); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7);
2nd Squad, BAR Team:
Assistant Squad Leader - Cpl Everson
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Squad Machine Gun (gunner) - PFC Cahill
*Repl (2/3); shot in torso, locally evacuated and treated, return 16 July 43, Purple Heart (3); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7);
Squad Machine Gun (asst gunner) - Pvt Jackson
*Repl (6/7): shot in hand, Purple Heart (7);
Rifleman (fire Garand) - Pvt Longwood
*Repl (6/7)
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Girardo
*Repl (2/3); Ran in the face of the enemy (4); Shot in face, Purple Heart (5); shot in thigh, locally evacuated and treated, return 20 July 43, Purple Heart (6); Transferred from 3rd Squad (7/8);
3rd Squad, Rifle Team:
Squad Leader - Sgt Glenn Conformist Religion Bold II
*Repl from E Co, 2nd Bn (3/4); Ran in the face of the enemy (4); Transferred from 2nd Squad to 3rd Squad (4/5); Submitted for Distinguished Service Cross (5); shot in neck, Purple Heart (6); shot in arm, Purple Heart (8);
Rifleman (stand Mohawk) - PFC Ertz (3rd Squad) *Repl (3/4); Transferred from 1st Squad (5/6); shot in groin, locally evacuated and treated, return 18 July 43, Purple Heart (6); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); shot in calf, locally evacuated and treated, return 26 July 43, Purple Heart (8);
Rifleman (stand SMG) - Pvt Xavier
*shot in foot, walking wounded, Purple Heart (2); Ran in the face of the enemy (4); Transferred from 3rd Squad (4/5); Transferred back to 3rd Squad (5/6);
Rifleman (stand carbine) - Pvt Anders
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Johnson (2nd Squad) *Repl (3/4); Shot in thigh, Purple Heart (5); WIA, locally evacuated, return 26 July 43, Purple Heart (7); transferred from 2nd Squad (9/10);
3rd Squad, BAR Team:
Assistant Squad Leader - Cpl Charley Pace I
*Shot in torso, locally evacuated and treated, return 24 July 43, Purple Heart (2); shot in calf, locally evacuated, return 24 July 43, Purple Heart (7);
Automatic Rifleman - Cpl Timmons
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (rush Garand) - PFC Leshore
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (crouch carbine) - Pvt O'Rourke
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Kleen
*Transfer from 2nd Platoon (9/10);
Weapons Platoon Support:
Medium Machine Gun Team:
Gunner - PFC Clue *Shot in hip, Purple Heart (5); (6); (7); shot in shoulder, Purple Heart (8);
A-Gunner - Pvt Dederick
Ammo Carrier - Pvt House
Ammo Carrier - Pvt Molsby
60mm Mortar Team:
Gunner - Cpl Richard Alpert *(2); (3);
A-Gunner - Pvt Black *(2); (3);
Ammo Carrier - Pvt Delby *(3)
Ammo Carrier - Pvt Stadler *Repl (3/4);
Combat Engineer NCO:
NCO - Sgt Cade Austen *(2)
Engineer (rush Garand) - Pvt Teague
Engineer (flamethrower) - Pvt Overbay
Engineer (bangalore) - Pvt Kuhalski
Engineer (pole charge) - Pvt Bliss
Regimental Support:
57mm Anti-Tank Gun (single, section, platoon)
NCO - Sgt "Penny" Widmore *(4); Shot in head, Purple Heart (5);
Gunner - Pvt Peel *Repl (6/7);
Gunner - Pvt Pippen *(4); Shot in groin, Purple Heart (5);
Gunner - Pvt Vinson *(4); Shot in arm, Purple Heart (5);
Divisional Support
M4 Sherman (single, section, platoon)
Tank Commander - SSgt Leclaire Littleton
M3 Stuart (single, section, platoon)
Tank Commander - SSgt Sonny Moon (7);
Pvt Able (HQ Element) *KIA (1)
Cpl Daniel Farraday (HQ Element) *KIA (3); Submitted for posthumous Bronze Star (3)
Pvt Durango (HQ Element) *Repl (2/3); KIA (3)
Pvt Alcee (HQ Element) *Repl (3/4); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (7)
Sgt Boone Carlyle (HQ Element) I *Submitted for Bronze Star (1); Submitted for Bronze Star (3); Promoted to Sgt by Comp Cmdr (3/4); Submitted for Distinguished Service Cross (5); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (8);
Pvt Delta (1st Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (1)
Pvt George (1st Squad) *KIA (5)
Pvt Hotel (1st Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (5)
Pvt Charleston (1st Squad) *Shot in neck, Purple Heart (1); KIA (6)
Pvt Echo (1st Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (6)
Sgt Desmond Hume (1st Squad SL) *Shot in foot, Purple Heart (1); Shot in bicep, Purple Heart (4); 1st Sgt of Wpns Co has a positive view (4/5); KIA (7)
Cpl Baker (1st Squad) *Shot in forearm, Purple Heart (1); Promoted to Cpl by Lt (6/7); KIA (7)
Pvt Dodge (1st Squad) *Repl (6/7); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (7)
Pvt Lima (2nd Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (1)
Pvt Quebec (2rd Squad) *KIA (1)
PFC Juliet (2nd Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (2)
Pvt King (2nd Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (2)
Pvt Mike (2nd Squad) *KIA (2)
Pvt Papa (2nd Squad) *KIA (2)
Cpl Sam Jarrah (2nd Squad A/SL) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (3)
Pvt Oscar (2nd Squad) *shot in shoulder, walking wounded, Purple Heart (1); shot in hand, walking wounded, Purple Heart (2); shot in chest, evacuated, Purple Heart (3)
Pvt Edson (2nd Squad) *Repl (2/3); KIA (3)
Pvt Fenner (2nd Squad) *Repl (2/3); KIA (3)
Pvt Beetle (2nd Squad) *Repl (2/3); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (5)
Cpl Nancy (2nd Squad) *Meritoriously promoted to Cpl by PC (3/4); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (5)
Pvt Hubler (2nd Squad) *Repl (3/4); KIA (5)
PFC Whiskey (2nd Squad) *shot in hand, walking wounded, Purple Heart (2); Meritoriously promoted to E-3 by Plt Cmdr, named Acting A/SL; Ran in the face of the enemy (4); Transferred from 3rd Squad (4/5); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (5)
PFC Farr (2nd Squad) *Repl (3/4); Shot in shoulder, Purple Heart (4); Shot in foot, Purple Heart (5); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (7);
Sgt Hurley Reyes (2nd Squad) *Negative Morale Event (casualties) (2/3); Shot in head, Purple Heart (3); Submitted for Bronze Star (5); Positive Morale Event (personal and unit performance, friendship with Sgt Hume) (6/7); Negative Morale Event, downgraded to Level I leader (death of Hume) (7/8); KIA (9)
Pvt Zander (3rd Squad) *KIA (1)
PFC Victor (3rd Squad) *WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (2)
Sgt Michael Dawson (3rd Squad SL) *WIA, evacuated (3)
SSgt Miles (3rd Squad SL) *Repl from Supply Bn (3/4); WIA, Purple Heart (4)
PFC Romeo (3rd Squad) *KIA (4)
Pvt Sierra (3rd Squad) *shot in thigh, walking wounded, Purple Heart (2); KIA (5)
Pvt Tango (3rd Squad) *Submitted for Bronze Star (4); Shot in shoulder, Purple Heart (5); KIA (6)
Pvt Mickelson (3rd Squad) *Repl (6/7); WIA, evacuated (7);
Pvt Oliver (3rd Squad) *Repl (6/7); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (7);
PFC Herby (3rd Squad) *Repl (2/3); shot in groin, locally evacuated and treated, return 14 July 43, Purple Heart (3); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); KIA (7)
Pvt Noonan (3rd Squad) *Repl (6/7); shot in neck, Purple Heart (7); WIA, evacuated, Purple Heart (8);
PFC Uniform (3rd Squad) *Submitted for Bronze Star (4): shot in jaw, Purple Heart (6); Promoted to PFC by Lt (6/7); KIA (9)
Pvt Effel (Wpns Plt/Mortars) *KIA (3)
Pvt Ackerman (Wpns Plt/ATG) *(4); KIA (5)
Pvt Bautista (Wpns Plt/MMG) *(5); KIA (6)
Pvt Apple (Wpns Plt/MMG) *(2); (3); (5); (6); WIA, evacuated, (7);
Pvt Ronson (Wpns Plt/MMG) *Repl (6/7); KIA (7)
Sgt Frank Lapidus (Wpns Plt/MMG) *(2); (3); (5); (6); shot in shoulder, Purple Heart (7); KIA (8)
Non-Player Characters:
Battalion Commander - Colonel Charles Whitmore
*Favorable opinion of SSgt Ford (Plt Sgt, based off of actions in 1); Neutral opinion of Ford (6/7);
Company Commander - Captain Ben Linus
*Unfavorable opinion of 2Lt Shepherd (for missing 1); Coming around on 2Lt Shepherd (3); Favorable opinion of Shepherd (6/7); Unfavorable opinion of Ford (6/7);
Weapons Company 1st Sgt *Favorable opinion of Sgt Hume (4);
Battalion Adjutant (S-1) *Favorable opinion of 2Lt Shepherd (4);
Enemy Casualties:
(1) 11 WIA/KIA, 7 POW, 1 captured Pak-40 ATG, 1 disabled Sdkfz 251 halftrack
(2) 21 WIA/KIA, 20 POW, 1 captured SP AA, 1 disabled Panzer Mk III
(3) 20 WIA/KIA, 3 POW, 1 disabled Sdkfz 222 armored car, 1 destroyed Panzer Mk III, 2 captured 80mm mortar tubes captured
(4) 19 WIA/KIA, 5 POW, 2 Tiger I tanks damaged (later destroyed with thermite grenades)
(5) 53 WIA/KIA, 1 Sdkfz 222 armored car damaged, 5 Panzer Mk III tanks damaged/destroyed
(6) 10 WIA/KIA, 9 POW
(7) 40 WIA/KIA, 7 POW, 1 Pz MkIII destroyed, 2 Sdkfz 222s destroyed, 1 Sdkfz 251/9 destroyed, 1 Sdkfz 251/1 destroyed
(8) 6 WIA/KIA, 8 POW
(9) 14 WIA/KIA, 5 POW, 2 80mm mortar tubes captured
All Americans, Part 1 (Sicily 10 Jul 43)
It's July 10, 1943, and the All-Americans of the 82nd Airborne Division have just jumped into Sicily for Operation Husky. The first order of business is to rally, regroup, and make it to the designated staging area. On the way to the staging area, a considerable amount of the platoon has already been accounted for, but several are still missing. In the meantime, the platoon has made contact with the enemy!
I rolled up to see who would be in the fight, and here's how it shook out:
HQ Element: Everyone is here but the damned Lieutenant! We have a Plt Sgt, RTO, and 2-man bazooka team.
1st Squad: Sgt Hume has his entire rifle team (5 men, including himself), but only three from his BAR team, including the Assistant Squad Leader (A/SL). The BAR is missing... One rifle is split off from the rifle team and attached to the BAR(-less) team.
2nd Squad: Sgt Reyes is present, but with only five other men (including his A/SL). His BAR is missing too.
3rd Squad: Sgt Dawson is present, but also with only five other men. He has his BAR but his A/SL is missing.
I borrowed the Force Morale concept from Chain of Command, and started my elite paratroopers at 10 and the Germans at 8.
Here's an aerial view of the table from the US baseline. The paratroopers will start at their baseline and need to move off the table to their staging area just beyond the small village at the top of the photo.
Another look at the table.
US deployment on the left. 1st Squad is split in two, with the SL w/rifle team at far left and its BAR team in field at bottom left-center. Immediately to their right is the Plt Sgt, RTO, and bazooka team. At right are the 6 members of 3rd Squad, about to put their BAR atop the hill in the foreground. The poker chips at top are German blinds (white - A, red - B, and black- C).
US right flank, with 2nd Squad's 6 men moving up.
The first blind tested for turned out to be a five man LMG team and the German Plt Sgt. They get first card and rip into 1st Squad's rifle team (1A), getting a kill and three shock, which the 1SL pulls off. 1B and 3rd Squad fire into the German LMG team, killing three, leaving only the German gunner and his assistant. The bazooka team moved up next to 3rd Squad.
2nd Squad went tactical (another CoC concept stolen) and moved up, while the Plt Sgt and RTO rushed their way. The reason for all the hubub was the fact a German rifle group came on the board with their Platoon Commander (top center).
At the start of the 2nd turn the German rifle group went on Overwatch. 1A moved up a bit on the left, but then...
A German Sdkfz 251 halftrack popped up on the crest of the hill next tot he German Fire Group and Plt Sgt!
The German FG laid down two more guys from 1A, leaving only the Squad Leader (miraculously). A Plt Fwd "In Game Event" popped up, and it was a positive result for a NPC. As I didn't have any non-platoon members on the board and I figured 1st Squad's leader was about to be gunned down, I gave it to 1A/SL, who got +1 for the remainder of the game. However, losing the rifle team dropped the US FM one point...
1B moved over to their SL (trying to protect him) and fired, to no effect. Then the halftrack fired at third squad, getting one kill. On the right, 2nd Squad and the German RG exchange fire, with the Germans getting the better of it, hitting one paratrooper. The Plt Sgt moved up to join 2nd Squad.
The bazooka team broke cover to approach the halftrack.
The Germans got the first card out again (third time in a row), and the halftrack fired up the bazooka team, hitting the assistant, killing him instantly. Then the German FG lights up 1st Squad and hits the Squad Leader (-1 FM). But then the bazooka pops a rocket that hits the top of the halftrack, knocking out the machine gun, which is enough to send its crew running for the hills (-1 FM).
3rd Squad eliminates the two guys remaining of the German FG, and with the halftrack KO'ed, the German Plt Sgt finds himself alone as the remains of 1st Squad move up on him. The German Plt Sgt falls back towards the village.
2nd Squad again exchanges fire with the German RG, with neither side doing any real damage (shock is being racked up, but each side has a Senior Leader present who is removing it as quick as it goes on).
The Plt Sgt moves 2nd Squad forward, and fire is once again exchanged, with both sides losing a man.
1st Squad moves up on top of the hill, and the bazooka man (Cpl Carlyle, right) joining them.
Meanwhile, 3rd Squad double-timed it to the center (left, with 2nd squad on right and German RG/PC at top).
The Germans are up first again, and their RG hits 2nd Squad but doesn't get any kills, only 4 shock, which is substantial, but the Plt Sgt quickly pulls three of them off. 2nd Squad's return fire is ineffective, but 3rd Squad manages two kills, one of them being the RG leader (no FM effect).
Next turn and 3rd Squad racks up the shock on the German RG, and 2nd Squad adds another kill, while the RG's fire is ineffective.
And 1st Squad sprinted up the left side, revealing the last German blind to be a four-man anti-tank gun (far right). I cheated in that I rolled up the C Blind as a Jeep or Truck (under the "Patrol" heading) but didn't place it on the table as it would have been empty (except the driver) and unarmed.
Sorry for the terrible photo, I don't usually end up fighting on the table edges...
At this point the Platoon Sergeant let out a ferocious shriek and led 2nd Squad into close combat, where it slaughtered the remaining German rifleman and their Platoon Commander. This led to me rolling two dice for Force Morale, and the result was 'snake-eyes,' which cost the Germans a whopping 6 FM points and ended the game.
The German Plt Sgt and ATG crew quickly surrendered to 1st Squad while 2nd Squad pulled security and 3rd Squad policed up the casualties.
I made up a post-battle wound result table (there's probably one in the Plt Fwd book), and here's what I got:
Sgt Hume, 1st Squad, SL: walking wounded
PFC Baker, 1st Squad: walking wounded
Private Charleston, 1st Squad: walking wounded
Private Delton, 1st Squad: wounds bad enough had to be evacuated to England
Private Quebec, 2nd Squad: succumbed to wounds, KIA
Private Oscar, 2nd Squad: walking wounded
Private Lima, 2nd Squad: evac'ed to England
Private Zander, 3rd Squad, succumbed to wounds, KIA
Private Able, bazooka assistant gunner, killed instantly, KIA
Awards recommendations:
SSgt Ford, Platoon Sergeant, for gallantry leading the close assault on the right flank which killed the German Platoon Commander and broke the back of the German resistance.
Cpl Carlyle, bazooka gunner, for leaving the cover of the woods, closing to within 50 yards of the German armored fighting vehicle and knocking it out, despite the fact its fire killed his partner.
Well, that does it for this fight. The platoon linked up with battalion at the staging area, and found their Lieutenant (and the rest of the platoon). But five men are already permanently off the rolls, though the Germans lost 11 WIA/KIA and seven POW.
Tactically, once again I let my forces get too dispersed to support each other properly, and paid for it (all those walking wounded rolls were rather fortuitous, it could have been much worse). I'm not sure I would have made it if one more of those blinds turned out to be a real unit. Next up, the platoon is given the task of carrying out a hasty attack to eliminate a German anti-aircraft gun.
It's July 10, 1943, and the All-Americans of the 82nd Airborne Division have just jumped into Sicily for Operation Husky. The first order of business is to rally, regroup, and make it to the designated staging area. On the way to the staging area, a considerable amount of the platoon has already been accounted for, but several are still missing. In the meantime, the platoon has made contact with the enemy!
I rolled up to see who would be in the fight, and here's how it shook out:
HQ Element: Everyone is here but the damned Lieutenant! We have a Plt Sgt, RTO, and 2-man bazooka team.
1st Squad: Sgt Hume has his entire rifle team (5 men, including himself), but only three from his BAR team, including the Assistant Squad Leader (A/SL). The BAR is missing... One rifle is split off from the rifle team and attached to the BAR(-less) team.
2nd Squad: Sgt Reyes is present, but with only five other men (including his A/SL). His BAR is missing too.
3rd Squad: Sgt Dawson is present, but also with only five other men. He has his BAR but his A/SL is missing.
I borrowed the Force Morale concept from Chain of Command, and started my elite paratroopers at 10 and the Germans at 8.
Here's an aerial view of the table from the US baseline. The paratroopers will start at their baseline and need to move off the table to their staging area just beyond the small village at the top of the photo.
Another look at the table.
US deployment on the left. 1st Squad is split in two, with the SL w/rifle team at far left and its BAR team in field at bottom left-center. Immediately to their right is the Plt Sgt, RTO, and bazooka team. At right are the 6 members of 3rd Squad, about to put their BAR atop the hill in the foreground. The poker chips at top are German blinds (white - A, red - B, and black- C).
US right flank, with 2nd Squad's 6 men moving up.
The first blind tested for turned out to be a five man LMG team and the German Plt Sgt. They get first card and rip into 1st Squad's rifle team (1A), getting a kill and three shock, which the 1SL pulls off. 1B and 3rd Squad fire into the German LMG team, killing three, leaving only the German gunner and his assistant. The bazooka team moved up next to 3rd Squad.
2nd Squad went tactical (another CoC concept stolen) and moved up, while the Plt Sgt and RTO rushed their way. The reason for all the hubub was the fact a German rifle group came on the board with their Platoon Commander (top center).
At the start of the 2nd turn the German rifle group went on Overwatch. 1A moved up a bit on the left, but then...
A German Sdkfz 251 halftrack popped up on the crest of the hill next tot he German Fire Group and Plt Sgt!
The German FG laid down two more guys from 1A, leaving only the Squad Leader (miraculously). A Plt Fwd "In Game Event" popped up, and it was a positive result for a NPC. As I didn't have any non-platoon members on the board and I figured 1st Squad's leader was about to be gunned down, I gave it to 1A/SL, who got +1 for the remainder of the game. However, losing the rifle team dropped the US FM one point...
1B moved over to their SL (trying to protect him) and fired, to no effect. Then the halftrack fired at third squad, getting one kill. On the right, 2nd Squad and the German RG exchange fire, with the Germans getting the better of it, hitting one paratrooper. The Plt Sgt moved up to join 2nd Squad.
The bazooka team broke cover to approach the halftrack.
The Germans got the first card out again (third time in a row), and the halftrack fired up the bazooka team, hitting the assistant, killing him instantly. Then the German FG lights up 1st Squad and hits the Squad Leader (-1 FM). But then the bazooka pops a rocket that hits the top of the halftrack, knocking out the machine gun, which is enough to send its crew running for the hills (-1 FM).
3rd Squad eliminates the two guys remaining of the German FG, and with the halftrack KO'ed, the German Plt Sgt finds himself alone as the remains of 1st Squad move up on him. The German Plt Sgt falls back towards the village.
2nd Squad again exchanges fire with the German RG, with neither side doing any real damage (shock is being racked up, but each side has a Senior Leader present who is removing it as quick as it goes on).
The Plt Sgt moves 2nd Squad forward, and fire is once again exchanged, with both sides losing a man.
1st Squad moves up on top of the hill, and the bazooka man (Cpl Carlyle, right) joining them.
Meanwhile, 3rd Squad double-timed it to the center (left, with 2nd squad on right and German RG/PC at top).
The Germans are up first again, and their RG hits 2nd Squad but doesn't get any kills, only 4 shock, which is substantial, but the Plt Sgt quickly pulls three of them off. 2nd Squad's return fire is ineffective, but 3rd Squad manages two kills, one of them being the RG leader (no FM effect).
Next turn and 3rd Squad racks up the shock on the German RG, and 2nd Squad adds another kill, while the RG's fire is ineffective.
And 1st Squad sprinted up the left side, revealing the last German blind to be a four-man anti-tank gun (far right). I cheated in that I rolled up the C Blind as a Jeep or Truck (under the "Patrol" heading) but didn't place it on the table as it would have been empty (except the driver) and unarmed.
Sorry for the terrible photo, I don't usually end up fighting on the table edges...
At this point the Platoon Sergeant let out a ferocious shriek and led 2nd Squad into close combat, where it slaughtered the remaining German rifleman and their Platoon Commander. This led to me rolling two dice for Force Morale, and the result was 'snake-eyes,' which cost the Germans a whopping 6 FM points and ended the game.
The German Plt Sgt and ATG crew quickly surrendered to 1st Squad while 2nd Squad pulled security and 3rd Squad policed up the casualties.
I made up a post-battle wound result table (there's probably one in the Plt Fwd book), and here's what I got:
Sgt Hume, 1st Squad, SL: walking wounded
PFC Baker, 1st Squad: walking wounded
Private Charleston, 1st Squad: walking wounded
Private Delton, 1st Squad: wounds bad enough had to be evacuated to England
Private Quebec, 2nd Squad: succumbed to wounds, KIA
Private Oscar, 2nd Squad: walking wounded
Private Lima, 2nd Squad: evac'ed to England
Private Zander, 3rd Squad, succumbed to wounds, KIA
Private Able, bazooka assistant gunner, killed instantly, KIA
Awards recommendations:
SSgt Ford, Platoon Sergeant, for gallantry leading the close assault on the right flank which killed the German Platoon Commander and broke the back of the German resistance.
Cpl Carlyle, bazooka gunner, for leaving the cover of the woods, closing to within 50 yards of the German armored fighting vehicle and knocking it out, despite the fact its fire killed his partner.
Well, that does it for this fight. The platoon linked up with battalion at the staging area, and found their Lieutenant (and the rest of the platoon). But five men are already permanently off the rolls, though the Germans lost 11 WIA/KIA and seven POW.
Tactically, once again I let my forces get too dispersed to support each other properly, and paid for it (all those walking wounded rolls were rather fortuitous, it could have been much worse). I'm not sure I would have made it if one more of those blinds turned out to be a real unit. Next up, the platoon is given the task of carrying out a hasty attack to eliminate a German anti-aircraft gun.
Yet Another Project (82nd Airborne, Platoon Forward)
So, it has been decided. I am moving ahead with a Platoon Forward campaign. I will label it "All American," and it will center on an airborne rifle platoon from 1943 to 1945 in the Mediterranean and Northwest European theaters. This will be done in 10mm with individually based figures (from Pendraken), using the modified KR-16 rules, and played solo in the context of Joe Legan's excellent "Platoon Forward" solo campaign system for troop and scenario development.
Here's the boys:
Here is the whole platoon, 39 red-blooded American boys looking to throw the Nazis out and come home to Sweet Suzy Rottencrotch. I am dealing with a dilemma though. I have a Platoon Commander, a Platoon Sergeant, a radio man, a two-man MMG team, a two-man 60mm mortar team, and a two-man bazooka team, and three 10-man rifle squads. My dilemma is whether to have the platoon as a PC, Plt Sgt, RTO, and 3 squads, with the MMG, mortar, and bazooka as company-level support that may or may not be attached (this would probably work better in Plt Fwd), or as I built them: a 39-man platoon (this gives me zero support options in Plt Fwd outside of vehicles).
I want to do the latter, but should probably do the former. My biggest concern is running into a tank and not having a bazooka, so maybe I'll do the former but with a bazooka as part of the HQ element. I think that's probably the way to go.
Assuming I go with what I just outlined, here is the HQ element with Wpns Plt support. Starting at bottom left and working clockwise: 2-man MMG team, two-man 60mm mortar team, 2-man bazooka team, RTO, PC, and Plt Sgt.
Same group from rear. PC has vertical stripe, Plt Sgt has horizontal stripe. Neither figure is carrying a weapon, but both will be handled as carrying an M-1 carbine.
1st Squad, with Squad Leader with rifle team on left, and Assistant Squad Leader and BAR team on the right. Both teams are a mix of Thompsons, M-1 Garands, and M-1 Carbines (plus the BAR in the BAR team).
2nd Squad, same way. I should mention that the majority of the figures are from Pendraken's US Airborne D-Day range, but I did use some guys from the US Airborne Ardennes range as well. I painted them all the same, but if you look closely you'll see a few greatcoats. Okay, I shouldn't have done it, but the D-Day range doesn't have any BARs or carbines, plus I wanted as many different poses as possible. You'll also see two different 'Mohawks' from the D-Day Pathfinders pack.
3rd Squad. Gold bases are senior leaders (PC and Plt Sgt), silver bases are junior leaders (Squad Ldrs), yellow bases are SMGs, red bases are MGs (I did the BAR and the M-1919 w/A-gunner), blue bases are rifles, and dark gray bases are various specialty figures (RTO, mortar team, bazooka team).
1st Platoon, Dog Company, 1st Battalion, 499th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division
Operation Husky, the Invasion of Sicily, 10 July 1943 to 17 August 1943.
Operation Avalanche, the Landing at Salerno, 13 September 1943 to 4 January 1944.
Operation Shingle, the Landing at Anzio, 22 January 1944 to 23 March 1944.
Operation Overlord, the Invasion of Normandy, 6 June 1944 to 13 July 1944.
Operation Market-Garden, the Invasion of Holland, 17 September 1944 to 25 September 1944.
Operation Wacht Am Rhein/Unternehmen Herbstnebe, the Battle of the Bulge, 16 December 1944 to February 10, 1945.
Operation Varsity, the Push into the Ruhr, 24 March 1945 to May 2, 1945.
Order of Battle:
10 July 1943 (Sicily)
HQ Element: Personality Motivation Combat Temp Backgr
Platoon Commander - 2Lt Jack Shepherd Conformist Family Even Average
Platoon Sergeant - SSgt Sawyer Ford Fanatic Hedonism Reckless
Radio/Telephone Operator - Cpl Daniel Farraday
Bazooka Gunner - Cpl Boone Carlyle
Bazooka Assistant - Pvt Able
1st Squad, Rifle Team:
Squad Leader - Sgt Desmond Hume Idealistic Revenge Reckless
Rifleman (kneel SMG) - PFC Baker
Rifleman (stand carbine) - Pvt Charleston
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Delta
Rifleman (rush Garand) - Pvt Echo
1st Squad, BAR Team:
Assistant Squad Leader - Cpl John Locke
Automatic Rifleman - PFC Fox
Rifleman (crouch carbine) - Pvt George
Rifleman (fire Garand) - Pvt Hotel
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt India
2nd Squad, Rifle Team:
Squad Leader - Sgt Hurley Reyes Fickle Wealth Even
Rifleman (kneel Mohawk) - PFC Juliet
Rifleman (stand carbine) - Pvt King
Rifleman (crouching carbine) - Pvt Lima
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Mike
2nd Squad, BAR Team:
Assistant Squad Leader - Cpl Sam Jarrah
Automatic Rifleman - PFC Nancy
Rifleman (rush Garand) - Pvt Oscar
Rifleman (fire Garand) - Pvt Papa
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Quebec
3rd Squad, Rifle Team:
Squad Leader - Sgt Michael Dawson Corrupt Avarice Bold Rifleman (stand Mohawk) - PFC Romeo
Rifleman (stand SMG) - Pvt Sierra
Rifleman (stand carbine) - Pvt Tango
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Uniform
3rd Squad, BAR Team:
Assistant Squad Leader - Cpl Charley Pace
Automatic Rifleman - PFC Victor
Rifleman (rush Garand) - Pvt Whiskey
Rifleman (crouch carbine) - Pvt Xavier
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Zander
Weapons Platoon Support:
Medium Machine Gun Team:
Gunner - Cpl Frank Lapidus
A-Gunner - Pvt Apple
60mm Mortar Team:
Gunner - Cpl Richard Alpert
A-Gunner - Pvt Black
Regimental Support:
57mm Anti-Tank Gun (single, section, platoon)
Divisional Support
M4 Sherman (single, section, platoon)
So, it has been decided. I am moving ahead with a Platoon Forward campaign. I will label it "All American," and it will center on an airborne rifle platoon from 1943 to 1945 in the Mediterranean and Northwest European theaters. This will be done in 10mm with individually based figures (from Pendraken), using the modified KR-16 rules, and played solo in the context of Joe Legan's excellent "Platoon Forward" solo campaign system for troop and scenario development.
Here's the boys:
Here is the whole platoon, 39 red-blooded American boys looking to throw the Nazis out and come home to Sweet Suzy Rottencrotch. I am dealing with a dilemma though. I have a Platoon Commander, a Platoon Sergeant, a radio man, a two-man MMG team, a two-man 60mm mortar team, and a two-man bazooka team, and three 10-man rifle squads. My dilemma is whether to have the platoon as a PC, Plt Sgt, RTO, and 3 squads, with the MMG, mortar, and bazooka as company-level support that may or may not be attached (this would probably work better in Plt Fwd), or as I built them: a 39-man platoon (this gives me zero support options in Plt Fwd outside of vehicles).
I want to do the latter, but should probably do the former. My biggest concern is running into a tank and not having a bazooka, so maybe I'll do the former but with a bazooka as part of the HQ element. I think that's probably the way to go.
Assuming I go with what I just outlined, here is the HQ element with Wpns Plt support. Starting at bottom left and working clockwise: 2-man MMG team, two-man 60mm mortar team, 2-man bazooka team, RTO, PC, and Plt Sgt.
Same group from rear. PC has vertical stripe, Plt Sgt has horizontal stripe. Neither figure is carrying a weapon, but both will be handled as carrying an M-1 carbine.
1st Squad, with Squad Leader with rifle team on left, and Assistant Squad Leader and BAR team on the right. Both teams are a mix of Thompsons, M-1 Garands, and M-1 Carbines (plus the BAR in the BAR team).
2nd Squad, same way. I should mention that the majority of the figures are from Pendraken's US Airborne D-Day range, but I did use some guys from the US Airborne Ardennes range as well. I painted them all the same, but if you look closely you'll see a few greatcoats. Okay, I shouldn't have done it, but the D-Day range doesn't have any BARs or carbines, plus I wanted as many different poses as possible. You'll also see two different 'Mohawks' from the D-Day Pathfinders pack.
3rd Squad. Gold bases are senior leaders (PC and Plt Sgt), silver bases are junior leaders (Squad Ldrs), yellow bases are SMGs, red bases are MGs (I did the BAR and the M-1919 w/A-gunner), blue bases are rifles, and dark gray bases are various specialty figures (RTO, mortar team, bazooka team).
1st Platoon, Dog Company, 1st Battalion, 499th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division
Operation Husky, the Invasion of Sicily, 10 July 1943 to 17 August 1943.
Operation Avalanche, the Landing at Salerno, 13 September 1943 to 4 January 1944.
Operation Shingle, the Landing at Anzio, 22 January 1944 to 23 March 1944.
Operation Overlord, the Invasion of Normandy, 6 June 1944 to 13 July 1944.
Operation Market-Garden, the Invasion of Holland, 17 September 1944 to 25 September 1944.
Operation Wacht Am Rhein/Unternehmen Herbstnebe, the Battle of the Bulge, 16 December 1944 to February 10, 1945.
Operation Varsity, the Push into the Ruhr, 24 March 1945 to May 2, 1945.
Order of Battle:
10 July 1943 (Sicily)
HQ Element: Personality Motivation Combat Temp Backgr
Platoon Commander - 2Lt Jack Shepherd Conformist Family Even Average
Platoon Sergeant - SSgt Sawyer Ford Fanatic Hedonism Reckless
Radio/Telephone Operator - Cpl Daniel Farraday
Bazooka Gunner - Cpl Boone Carlyle
Bazooka Assistant - Pvt Able
1st Squad, Rifle Team:
Squad Leader - Sgt Desmond Hume Idealistic Revenge Reckless
Rifleman (kneel SMG) - PFC Baker
Rifleman (stand carbine) - Pvt Charleston
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Delta
Rifleman (rush Garand) - Pvt Echo
1st Squad, BAR Team:
Assistant Squad Leader - Cpl John Locke
Automatic Rifleman - PFC Fox
Rifleman (crouch carbine) - Pvt George
Rifleman (fire Garand) - Pvt Hotel
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt India
2nd Squad, Rifle Team:
Squad Leader - Sgt Hurley Reyes Fickle Wealth Even
Rifleman (kneel Mohawk) - PFC Juliet
Rifleman (stand carbine) - Pvt King
Rifleman (crouching carbine) - Pvt Lima
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Mike
2nd Squad, BAR Team:
Assistant Squad Leader - Cpl Sam Jarrah
Automatic Rifleman - PFC Nancy
Rifleman (rush Garand) - Pvt Oscar
Rifleman (fire Garand) - Pvt Papa
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Quebec
3rd Squad, Rifle Team:
Squad Leader - Sgt Michael Dawson Corrupt Avarice Bold Rifleman (stand Mohawk) - PFC Romeo
Rifleman (stand SMG) - Pvt Sierra
Rifleman (stand carbine) - Pvt Tango
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Uniform
3rd Squad, BAR Team:
Assistant Squad Leader - Cpl Charley Pace
Automatic Rifleman - PFC Victor
Rifleman (rush Garand) - Pvt Whiskey
Rifleman (crouch carbine) - Pvt Xavier
Rifleman (port Garand) - Pvt Zander
Weapons Platoon Support:
Medium Machine Gun Team:
Gunner - Cpl Frank Lapidus
A-Gunner - Pvt Apple
60mm Mortar Team:
Gunner - Cpl Richard Alpert
A-Gunner - Pvt Black
Regimental Support:
57mm Anti-Tank Gun (single, section, platoon)
Divisional Support
M4 Sherman (single, section, platoon)
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Chain of Command, This Time with Armor
This morning/early afternoon I got in another game of Chain of Command, this time adding armor to the mix. Let's get to it.
Here's a pic of the table. German baseline at top, Brit baseline at bottom.
The Brits have a Platoon Commander (PC), Plt Sgt, three rifle sections, a 2" mortar team, a PIAT team, and a Troop of M-4 Shermans, one of which is the Armor PC (Sr Ldr).
The Germans have two squads (with 2 PzFausts each), a PC, a PzSchreck Team, and an ad-hoc Panzer Plt consisting of a Panther (PC) and a PzJgr IV.
Both sides started with a Force Morale of 10.
Here's a pic with the flash on, the first without. I haven't been all that pleased with my photos as I always use the flash and it gives some strange looking, washed out colors sometimes. We'll see if the photos today look better, truer to color, or just too dark.
The conclusion of the Patrol Phase. Nobody got where they wanted to go; the Germans wanted to get on top of the hill at center right, while the Brits wanted to get behind the wall at the intersection at center left. The Germans really got jobbed though, in terms of their jump-off points. I didn't plan well in the Patrol Phase and so the JOPs ended up pretty far back (owing to the 6" back, in/behind cover rules).
Germans are up first, roll 3 6's, a 5, and a 3. So 1st Squad comes aboard in the center, moving for the hill, and the next phase is theirs before Turn 1 ends, with Germans up again.
Germans get 1st Squad up on the hill but not into position, while the PzJaeger IV arrives on the left and the Panther comes on in the center. Their PC also came aboard in the center (I also gave them an adjutant for deployment purposes).
The Brits get the PC and 1st Section on the board opposite the German 1st Squad, and...
Itching to try out some anti-tank rules, I get the Brit Armor PC on the table. Brit 1st Sect and PC in center (white beads show PC put them on overwatch), German 1st Squad on hill opposite them with German PC behind them in field, Brit Armor PC at bottom right, with German PzJgr at top right. The Panther is at the very, very top, above the German PC.
The Sherman takes a shot at the PzJgr, and hits it, but has no effect as it gets three strikes to four saves...
The German 1st Squad goes tactical (green beads) and moves up, while Brit 1st Section comes off overwatch to light them up, getting a shock and two kills (pretty good shooting considering Tactical counted them as "hard" cover). The PzJgr returns fire, missing.
The Brit Command Roll (CR) does not give me the opportunity to have my Sherman fire at the PzJgr, which makes me a bit anxious. The 2" mortar comes on (bottom left), and fires up German 1st Squad, as does 1st Section's Bren Group (1BG) getting a kill and 4 shock between the two of them.
The German PC moves up, intending to remove shock from 1st Squad, but rolls only 4" of movement... 1st Squad fires at 1st Section, getting a kill and 6 shock (again, good shooting). But the PzJgr fires again at the Sherman and misses again!
The 2" and 1BG again hit 1st Squad, getting a kill and two shock. The PC says what they hey, why not? And leads 1RG into the fray. Brits eliminate the German 1st Squad, who manage 3 kills and a shock themselves. Ouch... The mistake I made was that only the German Assault Group was pinned, the Fire Group wasn't, which let them rip into my Rifle Group. With all the shock, 1RG decides to split, taking the PC with them! This costs the Germans 3 Force Morale (FM) points and the Brits 1.
The Sherman fires at the PzJgr and rolls boxcars, adding 3 strike dice to the roll! But the strike roll is terrible (two Strikes on 10 dice), and the German rolls one save, ends up with 1 shock, no movement next phase.
The aftermath of the close combat. All of the German 1st Squad wiped out, with 3 Brit kills on the rifle group, which split. They're still on the table, so we'll see if they can be saved.
The Germans decide to bring their other squad on, trying to take advantage of the isolated 1BG (center top). They open up and, with some great shooting, end up getting a pin on 1BG (yellow bead).
The PzJgr takes another shot at the Sherman, rolls snake-eyes. That's three straight misses, while the Sherman has hit the German twice, for one shock. The Panther decides to move up in the center to get a better view of the situation.
This presents a perfect opportunity, who roll an incredible 2 2s and 3 3s. The Brits bring their other two sections on on the left, and their other three tanks on in the center. All three tanks fire at the Panther, and not a single armor piercing round touches it...
Germans roll and get next phase; the German Inf PC gets 2nd Squad into position while the PzSchreck team comes on in the center.
Germans are up again and the PzJgr slams a high velocity 75mm round into the Brit Sherman PC, knocking it out. The crew bails, unharmed (I didn't do anything for Force Morale with this. I was working off the QRS which doesn't list a vehicle brew up as a FM event, and the Sr Ldr left, but I wouldn't say he routed. I'm sure I played this wrong as I certainly think a tank getting knocked out, and the PC's tank at that, should have a negative effect on FM).
The Panther PC orders his driver forward to square their front armor up tot he advancing Shermans, then orders the gunner to fire on the lead Sherman on the road. The Panther scores a hit at maybe 100 yards, but 3 strikes and 3 saves later, the Sherman gets a shock and falls back six inches.
Brits get next phase, but can activate two of their tanks. The first bounces one of the front armor while the second does too, but damages the Panther's gun sight and gives him a shock. Third Section moves up on the far left.
The Brits are up again and bring their PIAT team in on the left. The Plt Sgt comes in on the right, removing shock from 1RG to keep it from routing off the table. A Sherman bounces another one off the Panther, with the odd result of "halt and engage firer next turn." That sounds like a pretty good result to me, and probably the plan in any case. I need to look it up though, because I don't know if this is supposed to require and activation by that player next phase or if it's supposed to activate for free. I didn't play it that way because that seemed ridiculous to me.
The Germans rolled 4 6's and a 1, so the turn will be ending. The PzSchreck moves up next to the Panther and fires at a Sherman, but misses. At the end of turn, 1RG was saved from routing off the table with the PC, but 1BG will remain pinned through the next turn. On the next phase 2FG lights up 1BG, getting a kill and 3 shock, causing them to run (no FM effect for the team breaking or the Jr Ldr breaking and the Jr Ldr getting wounded, amazing!). The PzJgr decides to move up, but rolls terribly for movement and doesn't get very far. The Panther fires at the lead Sherman and misses...
This is the Brit 1st section, with two rifles and PC in top RG, three infantry and wounded Jr Ldr in bottom BG, and Plt Sgt at left trying to slow down the stampede.
The Germans get a CoC dice, the PzSchreck fires its second rocket and misses again, while the Panther hits a Sherman, getting 1 shock and panicking the gunner for one phase, while the PzJgr creeps forward.
The Plt Sgt continues to pull shock from 1st Section, while PIAT (dead center) and 3rd Section (bottom left) move up. At this point we've got Brit 1st Section trying to rally at their baseline (off camera to top right), 2nd Section at center right, the PIAT in front of them, 3rd Section across the road, the Panther and PzSchreck sitting in the crossroads with 2nd Squad above them, while the PzJgr is just off camera to the top and the three remaining Shermans are just off camera to the right.
The German 2FG fires at 1RG on the basline, getting two shock and a kill, forcing 1RG to route off the table, taking the PC with it (dropping the Brits 3 FM points, down to 6 total).
The Panther decides to again engage a Sherman, but the Brits use a CoC die to interrupt. Boxcars are again rolled (+3 strike dice), but all they manage is 2 shock and immobilized. The Panther then fires, but misses (it's getting real hard to hit anything, what with the shock and the damaged gun sight). The PzSchreck scores a hit, getting engine damage on one of the Shermans. The Germans use their CoC dice to end the turn, causing 1BG and their Jr Ldr to route off the table (another 2 FM points gone. Now the Brits are at 4 and are down a command dice). Very shrewd...
Now the PIAT moves up and puts a round into the Panther, finally ending its day. It blew up, so I tested for a dead Sr Ldr, dropping the Germans a FM point to 6 total. The Plt Sgt sprints left to get with 2nd Section.
The PzJgr climbs the hill and pops a Sherman, getting two points of shock and causing the crew to bail. The German PC order the PzSchreck team to fall back to a JOP to resupply with some more rockets, but it only gets 2" of movment... 2FG fires to their far right at 3rd Section, getting a kill and a shock.
A Sherman manages a hit on the PzJgr but gets 0 strikes, while the Plt Sgt order 2nd Section to the right, but they only get a couple inches. Having said that, they did open up a ferocious fire (with half dice) and get 2 kills. The other Sherman misses...
The Germans have 2FG move right (to tie in with their AG so that casualties may be shared as their rifleman and A-gunner were just killed), but only manage 1" of movement... The PzJgr busts a Sherman, blowing it up, dropping the Brits another 2 FM points (now at 2 and down to 3 CD!).
The Brits roll up another CoC dice, while 3BG fires at the German 2nd Squad and get 1 kill.
The Germans roll double 6s, have next phase. The PzSchreck resupplies while the PC pulls shock, while 2AG and 2FG activate separately (on 1s), getting 0 hits and moving only 4" on 2D6, respectively. On their following phase 2FG gets into the line next to 2AG and light up 3rd Section, hitting their Jr Ldr, dropping the Brits another FM point (only 1 remaining).
3rd Section returns fire, getting a kill and a shock. This has degenerated into war of attrition, which the Brits could win by bodies alone but will lose because of Force Morale.
The Plt Sgt moves the PIAT team right and 2nd Section forward. Neither the Germans nor the Brits have had the dice to do anything with their tanks in awhile (the Germans have their PzJgr while the Brits have one Sherman left, out of four).
The PzSchreck team moves forward while the PC continues to keep shock off of 2nd Squad, who get another kill on the Brit 3rd Section.
The Sherman fires, but bounces off, while 3rd Section puts 4 shock on 2nd Squad, and the German PC pulls three of those off immediately, allowing 2nd Squad to get another two kills on 3rd Section.
The German PC keeps removing shock, while 2nd Squad manages to pin 3BG...
The Brit Plt Sgt decides it's go time as one more shock on 3BG will cause it to break, more than likely costing the Brits their last FM point. The Plt Sgt leads 2nd Section over the wall, eliminating the German PC and the remainder of their 2nd Squad, costing them 5 FM points, bringing them down to 1. However, the Germans managed to kill five of the Brits, including a Jr Ldr, which ended up costing the Brits 2 FM points, leaving the Brits at -1 overall.
The aftermath of the close combat, which destroyed the German infantry but caused the Brits to flee the field of battle...
So, what did we think about our little game? Hmmm... This is kind of a tough one. I think I may have broken it. What I mean is, that was a lot of stuff to be pushing around for just little old me, and I don't think it meshed particularly well with the command roll system. What I mean by that is, so far I've run a platoon per side with no supports; it was neither cumbersome for me as a solo player nor did it outpace the command rolls. You could never do everything you wanted exactly when you wanted to, but you didn't have a bunch of (in some cases, very important) stuff just sitting around for numerous phases, which is what happened in this game.
Please note that I am not saying this doesn't work or that it's not realistic or that I don't like it. My concern is that, in a two-player game not having enough 'initiative' to do everything you want is a great source of dramatic tension, as each player is focused on what he is doing, trying to seize the initiative/impose his will/get inside the other guy's OODA loop and have him on his heels, reacting to what your doing. When you can do that you've really accomplished something, and when he doesn't respond the way you hoped, you're in for some great surprises.
My problem is that this same dynamic does not occur in a solo game. In a solo game, when you get tunnel vision you get tunnel vision and it affects both sides. In a two-player game you can get tunnel vision and get surprised, in a solo game you get tunnel vision and ignore other options for at least one of the sides, meaning you're shorting one of the sides. You just can't surprise yourself in this manner. And so in this game, there were instances for both sides where it would have made much more sense (tactically) for them to say 'damn the torpedoes,' that is, ignore the enemy and carry out their own scheme of maneuver, but as a solo gamer I tend to lock in on a piece of the action and want to see it brought to conclusion before moving to the next act, so to speak, which misses out on the brilliance of the rules' command and control system.
With all that being said, there were some things I'm sure I screwed up and some things I just flat out didn't like. I had tanks idly sitting by, staring at each other for multiple phases because I couldn't seem to roll a 3 or a 4 (for the PC's tank). It seems to me those could be handled the same way as a squad, that is, one position could be activated on either a 1 or a 2 to give one crew position an activation so that the vehicle could either shoot or move. I'd lean towards using a '2' so that it's a bit more 'expensive.' I'm not sour on the rules or questioning their reality; there are plenty of reasons to justify why that would/could happen in real life. But, as with all wargames rules, we all have what feels right to us, and this didn't feel right. Hand in hand with this concept was the inability of anti-tank fire to destroy tanks.
As a quick example, the Panther hit two different Shermans, at engagement ranges of a hundred yards or less, and put 1 shock on them. The rules have a mechanism (in the Advanced Rules section) to make AT fire more deadly, and I'll definitely have to look at that, because my personal feeling is that not getting knocked out (or at least taking some serious damage, i.e., immobilized or gun out of action, as opposed to 1 shock and back up 1D6" or gun sight damaged) is pretty much an act of God. I just went and read section 12.1; I don't know if even that goes far enough for my tastes. I think maybe do that and reduce saves to only sixes. I don't have a problem with shooting and missing, as a matter of act, with fleeing targets at 150 yds dodging between trees and buildings, it may actually be harder to hit a tank than firing at 600 or 700 yards. But I believe if a tank gets hit at 150 yds it should pretty much be done for the day.
I understand that the rules as written were designed to make armor more survivable in order to be more playable, but, as an infantryman at heart, I actually like the concept that the armor has blundered (or at the very least is in a seriously disadvantaged position) if it has allowed itself to get into an engagement with infantry inside of 150 yards. If armor has done this, it deserves to be punished, and, if hit, should probably be out of the fight. The rules as written appeared to me to be perfect for tank vs tank engagements at 500 to 900 yards. I also need to look up morale tests for tanks getting KO'ed. I had to have played this wrong! There is no way there is not a hit to your Force Morale when a tank gets knocked out.
Lastly, this game really drug on. In all honesty, both forces were beat to crap and probably should have cracked already (again, probably my fault for not testing for armor KOs). Okay, I've got to look this up...
So, page 65 shows that I am, indeed, an idiot, and should have been testing under the "Support Unit Killed" or "Support Unit Routes" clauses. Addtionally, page 66 talks about not testing when vehicle crews that have abandoned their vehicles leave the table, i.e., they are not considered to route, they left because they are no longer viable on the battlefield. I agree they shouldn't have to test as vehicle crews routing, but I think there should be a test when they abandon their vehicle (as in treating it as being destroyed for FM purposes) as I believe it is incredibly disheartening to infantry to see their armor get brewed up or watch the crews run away from their (still operational) tanks.
Another deal I did wrong (I think) was that I had a rifle section that had broken and ran. It had the PC with it when it endured the combat that cause it to break, so I had no problem with having the PC run with the section. Then I brought the Plt Sgt over to try to rally the shock off the section to get them back in fighting shape, but, alas 'twas not to be. Another burst from a German LMG sent them running from the hills. I did as told in the rules, and had no problem with it, in terms of sending the PC off the table with them. He had been in the close assault that broke them, he had run with them, clearly his mental state was not what you would want it to be, and so he ran.
My understanding of the rules is that the Plt Sgt, who was within 4" of the routing unit, should have also routed off the table with them. I can understand this if it is a game mechanism to make it risky, and thus a tactical decision as opposed to an automatic decision, to send a Sr Ldr over to try to rally a broken element. But in terms of being 'real life,' I thought it was grossly unfair to send this hard-charging Plt Sgt off the table with the routing section. He was there begging, beating, and otherwise cajoling, trying to get those sissies to stay in the fight. So when they routed, I kept him on the table and let him get back in the fight.
Okay, so where do we go from here? In the immediate future I want to start a WWII campaign for Brits using Platoon Forward (I'm dreaming of taking them from Tunisia to Sicily to Italy to Normandy to Market Garden). I also have my modern ImagiNation project, Cuba Libre!, which is a serious undertaking with ground and air gaming in multiple theaters. I have a 6mm Napoleonic painting project going on (which is going to take years, much less actually ever gaming with it). I have dreams of a 1942-43 Solomons project with 10mm USMC and IJA, USN and IJN (using Axis and Allies miniatures), USN/USMC vs IJA/IJN air gaming, and coastal actions (PT Boats, landing barges, etc...). I have Pendraken forces in the mail to start French Indo-China and finish Vietnam projects. I would like to do Platoon Forward campaigns for US and British Airborne platoons, both of which I already have in my possession. I have a bunch of 1942-era Germans and Soviets that need to have the finishing touch put on them, and then need some gaming.
Suffice to say, I have a lot on my plate and I need to get games in and get them in quick. It might sound kind of funny, but I don't enjoy the games as much as I do campaign narrative. Don't misunderstand, I like getting them on the table and having a good time, but I can't wait to get it finished up, figure out what it means in the campaign, and move on to the next fight. So I need rules that fit that mentality, and I regret to inform you that Chain of Command is not that set of rules (for me). They are brilliant and I dream of playing them against a real life, flesh and blood human, but they are not working out as the best tool to enable my solo campaigns. I believe the best choice I can make is to go back to my modification of Angel Barracks' KR-16 rules (which, if you look at all the other batreps, is the rules I used). I will happily charge ahead, so you can expect plenty more batreps.
This morning/early afternoon I got in another game of Chain of Command, this time adding armor to the mix. Let's get to it.
Here's a pic of the table. German baseline at top, Brit baseline at bottom.
The Brits have a Platoon Commander (PC), Plt Sgt, three rifle sections, a 2" mortar team, a PIAT team, and a Troop of M-4 Shermans, one of which is the Armor PC (Sr Ldr).
The Germans have two squads (with 2 PzFausts each), a PC, a PzSchreck Team, and an ad-hoc Panzer Plt consisting of a Panther (PC) and a PzJgr IV.
Both sides started with a Force Morale of 10.
Here's a pic with the flash on, the first without. I haven't been all that pleased with my photos as I always use the flash and it gives some strange looking, washed out colors sometimes. We'll see if the photos today look better, truer to color, or just too dark.
The conclusion of the Patrol Phase. Nobody got where they wanted to go; the Germans wanted to get on top of the hill at center right, while the Brits wanted to get behind the wall at the intersection at center left. The Germans really got jobbed though, in terms of their jump-off points. I didn't plan well in the Patrol Phase and so the JOPs ended up pretty far back (owing to the 6" back, in/behind cover rules).
Germans are up first, roll 3 6's, a 5, and a 3. So 1st Squad comes aboard in the center, moving for the hill, and the next phase is theirs before Turn 1 ends, with Germans up again.
Germans get 1st Squad up on the hill but not into position, while the PzJaeger IV arrives on the left and the Panther comes on in the center. Their PC also came aboard in the center (I also gave them an adjutant for deployment purposes).
The Brits get the PC and 1st Section on the board opposite the German 1st Squad, and...
Itching to try out some anti-tank rules, I get the Brit Armor PC on the table. Brit 1st Sect and PC in center (white beads show PC put them on overwatch), German 1st Squad on hill opposite them with German PC behind them in field, Brit Armor PC at bottom right, with German PzJgr at top right. The Panther is at the very, very top, above the German PC.
The Sherman takes a shot at the PzJgr, and hits it, but has no effect as it gets three strikes to four saves...
The German 1st Squad goes tactical (green beads) and moves up, while Brit 1st Section comes off overwatch to light them up, getting a shock and two kills (pretty good shooting considering Tactical counted them as "hard" cover). The PzJgr returns fire, missing.
The Brit Command Roll (CR) does not give me the opportunity to have my Sherman fire at the PzJgr, which makes me a bit anxious. The 2" mortar comes on (bottom left), and fires up German 1st Squad, as does 1st Section's Bren Group (1BG) getting a kill and 4 shock between the two of them.
The German PC moves up, intending to remove shock from 1st Squad, but rolls only 4" of movement... 1st Squad fires at 1st Section, getting a kill and 6 shock (again, good shooting). But the PzJgr fires again at the Sherman and misses again!
The 2" and 1BG again hit 1st Squad, getting a kill and two shock. The PC says what they hey, why not? And leads 1RG into the fray. Brits eliminate the German 1st Squad, who manage 3 kills and a shock themselves. Ouch... The mistake I made was that only the German Assault Group was pinned, the Fire Group wasn't, which let them rip into my Rifle Group. With all the shock, 1RG decides to split, taking the PC with them! This costs the Germans 3 Force Morale (FM) points and the Brits 1.
The Sherman fires at the PzJgr and rolls boxcars, adding 3 strike dice to the roll! But the strike roll is terrible (two Strikes on 10 dice), and the German rolls one save, ends up with 1 shock, no movement next phase.
The aftermath of the close combat. All of the German 1st Squad wiped out, with 3 Brit kills on the rifle group, which split. They're still on the table, so we'll see if they can be saved.
The Germans decide to bring their other squad on, trying to take advantage of the isolated 1BG (center top). They open up and, with some great shooting, end up getting a pin on 1BG (yellow bead).
The PzJgr takes another shot at the Sherman, rolls snake-eyes. That's three straight misses, while the Sherman has hit the German twice, for one shock. The Panther decides to move up in the center to get a better view of the situation.
This presents a perfect opportunity, who roll an incredible 2 2s and 3 3s. The Brits bring their other two sections on on the left, and their other three tanks on in the center. All three tanks fire at the Panther, and not a single armor piercing round touches it...
Germans roll and get next phase; the German Inf PC gets 2nd Squad into position while the PzSchreck team comes on in the center.
Germans are up again and the PzJgr slams a high velocity 75mm round into the Brit Sherman PC, knocking it out. The crew bails, unharmed (I didn't do anything for Force Morale with this. I was working off the QRS which doesn't list a vehicle brew up as a FM event, and the Sr Ldr left, but I wouldn't say he routed. I'm sure I played this wrong as I certainly think a tank getting knocked out, and the PC's tank at that, should have a negative effect on FM).
The Panther PC orders his driver forward to square their front armor up tot he advancing Shermans, then orders the gunner to fire on the lead Sherman on the road. The Panther scores a hit at maybe 100 yards, but 3 strikes and 3 saves later, the Sherman gets a shock and falls back six inches.
Brits get next phase, but can activate two of their tanks. The first bounces one of the front armor while the second does too, but damages the Panther's gun sight and gives him a shock. Third Section moves up on the far left.
The Brits are up again and bring their PIAT team in on the left. The Plt Sgt comes in on the right, removing shock from 1RG to keep it from routing off the table. A Sherman bounces another one off the Panther, with the odd result of "halt and engage firer next turn." That sounds like a pretty good result to me, and probably the plan in any case. I need to look it up though, because I don't know if this is supposed to require and activation by that player next phase or if it's supposed to activate for free. I didn't play it that way because that seemed ridiculous to me.
The Germans rolled 4 6's and a 1, so the turn will be ending. The PzSchreck moves up next to the Panther and fires at a Sherman, but misses. At the end of turn, 1RG was saved from routing off the table with the PC, but 1BG will remain pinned through the next turn. On the next phase 2FG lights up 1BG, getting a kill and 3 shock, causing them to run (no FM effect for the team breaking or the Jr Ldr breaking and the Jr Ldr getting wounded, amazing!). The PzJgr decides to move up, but rolls terribly for movement and doesn't get very far. The Panther fires at the lead Sherman and misses...
This is the Brit 1st section, with two rifles and PC in top RG, three infantry and wounded Jr Ldr in bottom BG, and Plt Sgt at left trying to slow down the stampede.
The Germans get a CoC dice, the PzSchreck fires its second rocket and misses again, while the Panther hits a Sherman, getting 1 shock and panicking the gunner for one phase, while the PzJgr creeps forward.
The Plt Sgt continues to pull shock from 1st Section, while PIAT (dead center) and 3rd Section (bottom left) move up. At this point we've got Brit 1st Section trying to rally at their baseline (off camera to top right), 2nd Section at center right, the PIAT in front of them, 3rd Section across the road, the Panther and PzSchreck sitting in the crossroads with 2nd Squad above them, while the PzJgr is just off camera to the top and the three remaining Shermans are just off camera to the right.
The German 2FG fires at 1RG on the basline, getting two shock and a kill, forcing 1RG to route off the table, taking the PC with it (dropping the Brits 3 FM points, down to 6 total).
The Panther decides to again engage a Sherman, but the Brits use a CoC die to interrupt. Boxcars are again rolled (+3 strike dice), but all they manage is 2 shock and immobilized. The Panther then fires, but misses (it's getting real hard to hit anything, what with the shock and the damaged gun sight). The PzSchreck scores a hit, getting engine damage on one of the Shermans. The Germans use their CoC dice to end the turn, causing 1BG and their Jr Ldr to route off the table (another 2 FM points gone. Now the Brits are at 4 and are down a command dice). Very shrewd...
Now the PIAT moves up and puts a round into the Panther, finally ending its day. It blew up, so I tested for a dead Sr Ldr, dropping the Germans a FM point to 6 total. The Plt Sgt sprints left to get with 2nd Section.
The PzJgr climbs the hill and pops a Sherman, getting two points of shock and causing the crew to bail. The German PC order the PzSchreck team to fall back to a JOP to resupply with some more rockets, but it only gets 2" of movment... 2FG fires to their far right at 3rd Section, getting a kill and a shock.
A Sherman manages a hit on the PzJgr but gets 0 strikes, while the Plt Sgt order 2nd Section to the right, but they only get a couple inches. Having said that, they did open up a ferocious fire (with half dice) and get 2 kills. The other Sherman misses...
The Germans have 2FG move right (to tie in with their AG so that casualties may be shared as their rifleman and A-gunner were just killed), but only manage 1" of movement... The PzJgr busts a Sherman, blowing it up, dropping the Brits another 2 FM points (now at 2 and down to 3 CD!).
The Brits roll up another CoC dice, while 3BG fires at the German 2nd Squad and get 1 kill.
The Germans roll double 6s, have next phase. The PzSchreck resupplies while the PC pulls shock, while 2AG and 2FG activate separately (on 1s), getting 0 hits and moving only 4" on 2D6, respectively. On their following phase 2FG gets into the line next to 2AG and light up 3rd Section, hitting their Jr Ldr, dropping the Brits another FM point (only 1 remaining).
3rd Section returns fire, getting a kill and a shock. This has degenerated into war of attrition, which the Brits could win by bodies alone but will lose because of Force Morale.
The Plt Sgt moves the PIAT team right and 2nd Section forward. Neither the Germans nor the Brits have had the dice to do anything with their tanks in awhile (the Germans have their PzJgr while the Brits have one Sherman left, out of four).
The PzSchreck team moves forward while the PC continues to keep shock off of 2nd Squad, who get another kill on the Brit 3rd Section.
The Sherman fires, but bounces off, while 3rd Section puts 4 shock on 2nd Squad, and the German PC pulls three of those off immediately, allowing 2nd Squad to get another two kills on 3rd Section.
The German PC keeps removing shock, while 2nd Squad manages to pin 3BG...
The Brit Plt Sgt decides it's go time as one more shock on 3BG will cause it to break, more than likely costing the Brits their last FM point. The Plt Sgt leads 2nd Section over the wall, eliminating the German PC and the remainder of their 2nd Squad, costing them 5 FM points, bringing them down to 1. However, the Germans managed to kill five of the Brits, including a Jr Ldr, which ended up costing the Brits 2 FM points, leaving the Brits at -1 overall.
The aftermath of the close combat, which destroyed the German infantry but caused the Brits to flee the field of battle...
So, what did we think about our little game? Hmmm... This is kind of a tough one. I think I may have broken it. What I mean is, that was a lot of stuff to be pushing around for just little old me, and I don't think it meshed particularly well with the command roll system. What I mean by that is, so far I've run a platoon per side with no supports; it was neither cumbersome for me as a solo player nor did it outpace the command rolls. You could never do everything you wanted exactly when you wanted to, but you didn't have a bunch of (in some cases, very important) stuff just sitting around for numerous phases, which is what happened in this game.
Please note that I am not saying this doesn't work or that it's not realistic or that I don't like it. My concern is that, in a two-player game not having enough 'initiative' to do everything you want is a great source of dramatic tension, as each player is focused on what he is doing, trying to seize the initiative/impose his will/get inside the other guy's OODA loop and have him on his heels, reacting to what your doing. When you can do that you've really accomplished something, and when he doesn't respond the way you hoped, you're in for some great surprises.
My problem is that this same dynamic does not occur in a solo game. In a solo game, when you get tunnel vision you get tunnel vision and it affects both sides. In a two-player game you can get tunnel vision and get surprised, in a solo game you get tunnel vision and ignore other options for at least one of the sides, meaning you're shorting one of the sides. You just can't surprise yourself in this manner. And so in this game, there were instances for both sides where it would have made much more sense (tactically) for them to say 'damn the torpedoes,' that is, ignore the enemy and carry out their own scheme of maneuver, but as a solo gamer I tend to lock in on a piece of the action and want to see it brought to conclusion before moving to the next act, so to speak, which misses out on the brilliance of the rules' command and control system.
With all that being said, there were some things I'm sure I screwed up and some things I just flat out didn't like. I had tanks idly sitting by, staring at each other for multiple phases because I couldn't seem to roll a 3 or a 4 (for the PC's tank). It seems to me those could be handled the same way as a squad, that is, one position could be activated on either a 1 or a 2 to give one crew position an activation so that the vehicle could either shoot or move. I'd lean towards using a '2' so that it's a bit more 'expensive.' I'm not sour on the rules or questioning their reality; there are plenty of reasons to justify why that would/could happen in real life. But, as with all wargames rules, we all have what feels right to us, and this didn't feel right. Hand in hand with this concept was the inability of anti-tank fire to destroy tanks.
As a quick example, the Panther hit two different Shermans, at engagement ranges of a hundred yards or less, and put 1 shock on them. The rules have a mechanism (in the Advanced Rules section) to make AT fire more deadly, and I'll definitely have to look at that, because my personal feeling is that not getting knocked out (or at least taking some serious damage, i.e., immobilized or gun out of action, as opposed to 1 shock and back up 1D6" or gun sight damaged) is pretty much an act of God. I just went and read section 12.1; I don't know if even that goes far enough for my tastes. I think maybe do that and reduce saves to only sixes. I don't have a problem with shooting and missing, as a matter of act, with fleeing targets at 150 yds dodging between trees and buildings, it may actually be harder to hit a tank than firing at 600 or 700 yards. But I believe if a tank gets hit at 150 yds it should pretty much be done for the day.
I understand that the rules as written were designed to make armor more survivable in order to be more playable, but, as an infantryman at heart, I actually like the concept that the armor has blundered (or at the very least is in a seriously disadvantaged position) if it has allowed itself to get into an engagement with infantry inside of 150 yards. If armor has done this, it deserves to be punished, and, if hit, should probably be out of the fight. The rules as written appeared to me to be perfect for tank vs tank engagements at 500 to 900 yards. I also need to look up morale tests for tanks getting KO'ed. I had to have played this wrong! There is no way there is not a hit to your Force Morale when a tank gets knocked out.
Lastly, this game really drug on. In all honesty, both forces were beat to crap and probably should have cracked already (again, probably my fault for not testing for armor KOs). Okay, I've got to look this up...
So, page 65 shows that I am, indeed, an idiot, and should have been testing under the "Support Unit Killed" or "Support Unit Routes" clauses. Addtionally, page 66 talks about not testing when vehicle crews that have abandoned their vehicles leave the table, i.e., they are not considered to route, they left because they are no longer viable on the battlefield. I agree they shouldn't have to test as vehicle crews routing, but I think there should be a test when they abandon their vehicle (as in treating it as being destroyed for FM purposes) as I believe it is incredibly disheartening to infantry to see their armor get brewed up or watch the crews run away from their (still operational) tanks.
Another deal I did wrong (I think) was that I had a rifle section that had broken and ran. It had the PC with it when it endured the combat that cause it to break, so I had no problem with having the PC run with the section. Then I brought the Plt Sgt over to try to rally the shock off the section to get them back in fighting shape, but, alas 'twas not to be. Another burst from a German LMG sent them running from the hills. I did as told in the rules, and had no problem with it, in terms of sending the PC off the table with them. He had been in the close assault that broke them, he had run with them, clearly his mental state was not what you would want it to be, and so he ran.
My understanding of the rules is that the Plt Sgt, who was within 4" of the routing unit, should have also routed off the table with them. I can understand this if it is a game mechanism to make it risky, and thus a tactical decision as opposed to an automatic decision, to send a Sr Ldr over to try to rally a broken element. But in terms of being 'real life,' I thought it was grossly unfair to send this hard-charging Plt Sgt off the table with the routing section. He was there begging, beating, and otherwise cajoling, trying to get those sissies to stay in the fight. So when they routed, I kept him on the table and let him get back in the fight.
Okay, so where do we go from here? In the immediate future I want to start a WWII campaign for Brits using Platoon Forward (I'm dreaming of taking them from Tunisia to Sicily to Italy to Normandy to Market Garden). I also have my modern ImagiNation project, Cuba Libre!, which is a serious undertaking with ground and air gaming in multiple theaters. I have a 6mm Napoleonic painting project going on (which is going to take years, much less actually ever gaming with it). I have dreams of a 1942-43 Solomons project with 10mm USMC and IJA, USN and IJN (using Axis and Allies miniatures), USN/USMC vs IJA/IJN air gaming, and coastal actions (PT Boats, landing barges, etc...). I have Pendraken forces in the mail to start French Indo-China and finish Vietnam projects. I would like to do Platoon Forward campaigns for US and British Airborne platoons, both of which I already have in my possession. I have a bunch of 1942-era Germans and Soviets that need to have the finishing touch put on them, and then need some gaming.
Suffice to say, I have a lot on my plate and I need to get games in and get them in quick. It might sound kind of funny, but I don't enjoy the games as much as I do campaign narrative. Don't misunderstand, I like getting them on the table and having a good time, but I can't wait to get it finished up, figure out what it means in the campaign, and move on to the next fight. So I need rules that fit that mentality, and I regret to inform you that Chain of Command is not that set of rules (for me). They are brilliant and I dream of playing them against a real life, flesh and blood human, but they are not working out as the best tool to enable my solo campaigns. I believe the best choice I can make is to go back to my modification of Angel Barracks' KR-16 rules (which, if you look at all the other batreps, is the rules I used). I will happily charge ahead, so you can expect plenty more batreps.
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Hell on Wheels, 'Blade Force' Fight #10
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